As a away of saying THANK YOU to my company for being so gosh darn awesome to me during treatment, I volunteered to be publicity for them. My boss sent around an email asking all of us if we can think of ways our company could get our name out. He was thinking of recent going-ons in the financial world. I emailed him and said, "I can't think of anything related to the finance world, but I'd be happy to tell the media how awesome you were to me during my treatment."
Well, my boss and the rest of the marketing/sales people at my company liked the idea. Right now, they are pitching my story to different media outlets. I wrote a first-person narrative about what it was like to work and manage cancer treatment at the same time. I rightfully sang the praises of my boss and editors, who were absolutely amazing toward me during my treatment.
My company just made me feel very grateful then and even still. They treated me with such care and compassion and not once, did I feel like they were upset or disappointed in me for my sub-part performance. They understood that I was struggling because of the side effects from chemo and radiation, but I was trying. I got frustrated with myself quite a bit during chemo and before I went on medical leave. They should be lauded for how they behaved. I've heard many horror stories about how employees were treated during their treatment. Companies saw them as liabilities or just things wearing down productivity.
Not mine. They treated me like a friend and someone they cared about. I have a lot of bosses, haha, and they all checked in on me regularly to see how I was doing. They let me work from home during chemotherapy so I wouldn't be exposed to possible sicknesses. I made it through chemo without getting sick once - that's awesome! Former and current coworkers made generous donations to Race for the Cure on my behalf. They did so many countless things that just made me feel supported and like someone who matters. When someone is going through something as major and difficult like an extended illness, just showing you care means so much to the person who is sick.
I will be forever grateful to how my company had my back during my 10-month treatment. I hope someone in the media does publish my story 'cuz I will happily sing their praises.
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