I, Lara (last name), proclaim that I am going to lose 10 pounds before my next oncology visit. A couple of weeks ago during my my visit, the scale had me at 10 pounds heavier than my normal weight. You know, the weight I have been for pretty much my entire adult life. I freaked and am still freaking.
I'm making this proclamation not because I want compliments ("Oh Lara, you look great") or commiseration ("I'm not happy, too!"). I'm stating this because I want to hold myself responsible for the bad choices I have been making. I need to stop eating my feelings or when I'm depressed or bored. I need to get out and walk the Boomer dog a lot more. I need to get into the gym and get my endurance level up again. I'd love to walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded.
My next oncology visit is in September, so I think I'm setting myself a realistic goal. I want to lose the weight and as an added benefit: I'd like to fit in most of my clothes again. That'd be awesome.
Me too :/ Good luck lady! Send me pointers, I'm terrible with this weight loss thing, Gawd!