Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I had my second expansion today for Ye Olde Chest, and I'm very happy with the results.  Last week, the doctor inserted 60 ccs of solution into each foob, and today I received another 60 ccs of saline.  The first day after an expansion includes a lot of discomfort and periodic bouts of pain throughout the boob area.  It's not pretty.  Well, it kind of is pretty.  I look down at my chest and am beginning to like what I see.  

Oh yeah, I'm sexy.

I'll probably post before and after pictures after my expansion next week.  You'll see me go from flat to a B or C cup.  It's pretty remarkable what doctors can do.

1 comment:

  1. That is super awesome, here's to hoping not a lot of pain or discomfort from the expansion :)
